Triathlon Transition Analysis
Get a friend to video your next transition and send it into me. I can save you MINUTES on your overall triathlon time with NO physical effort. Just a little practice and the right advice. I'll give you a rating out of ten so you know how far you have to improve.
Send raw video footage to me and within 7 days receive:
An video voiceover identifying areas for improvements.
A follow up email with bullet points on what to work on and equipment recommendations to make you faster
Option to have video published on this website with your score. Help others learn from your mistakes!
$35/video analysis (includes edited video, report and workout)
Guidelines for making your own video:
At your next event choose a rack close to the fence. Have a significant other film you on their phone or camera transition 1 and 2 (T1 and T2).
If you don't have an event planned set a transition area up as it would be for a race, get in your wetsuit and film your practice.
Share the raw footage with me using any file sharing service including Google Drive or Dropbox (files will often be too large to attach to an email)
I will then add a sarcastic, yet helpful voiceover to the video and share it back.